  • Getting Started
  • Implementation Resources
  • Reading Resources

About R.E.A.L.

Get information about the R.E.A.L. program design and benefits through information sheets and video messages for various audiences. 

Program Overview for Principals and Administrators

R.E.A.L. Program Design and Framework

What is R.E.A.L.?

For Districts

For Teachers

For Students

For Families—English

For Families—Español

Materials Overview

Here you’ll find details about program components from the books to the supporting guides.

Walk-through of the Materials in the R.E.A.L. Program

R.E.A.L. Product Unboxing

Program Components

Book List

Interactive Read-Alouds

Find inspiration with these videos that highlight the power of interactive read-alouds.

Building Excitement Around Literacy

Why Host Interactive Read-Alouds?

What Is an Interactive Read-Aloud?

Families, Mentorship, and Home Libraries

Learn how education leaders are leveraging home libraries, mentorship, and family engagement to support literacy.

The Power of Home Libraries: What Does the Research Show?

The Power of Mentoring

Bridging Family and Community Partners to Propel Student Achievement

About Program Partner, Christian Adair


Dive into research that spotlights the transformative impact of reading and home libraries.

Home Libraries: The Impact of Home Libraries on Academic Achievement, Economic Success, and Health

Reading for Life: The Impact of Youth Literacy on Health Outcomes


Browse the Implementation Guide to learn about the R.E.A.L. program. Use the guide and the resources below for successful implementation.

Implementation Guidelines for R.E.A.L. Success

R.E.A.L. Implementation Planner

School Leaders Survey

Facilitator Survey

Family Survey English

Family Survey Español

Student surveys

How to Administer the Student Survey

Student Pre-Survey

Student Post-Survey

Community Recruiting

The Community Recruiting Guide provides a range of letter templates for recruiting mentors from a variety of sources. Browse the resources below for additional tools to support your recruitment efforts.

Mentor Recruitment Ideas

Mentor Recruitment Flyer

Mentor Event Flyer

Mentor Recruitment Letters

Mentor Application Form

Information Sheet for Prospective Mentors

How to Recruit Mentors


Here you’ll find resources for program outreach and communications, including handouts for families, administrators, and mentors.

R.E.A.L. Announcement Letters

Read-Aloud Reminders to Families to Support Attendance

Mentor Read-Aloud Schedule Template

Mentor Follow-up Emails

Program Overview for Families and Community–In English and Español

Mentor Success

The Mentor Success Guide equips mentors with valuable information for managing their read-alouds, and for building meaningful connections with kids. Help mentors prepare and find inspiration with the resources below.

Mentor Best Practices

How to Implement an Interactive Read-Aloud

In Mentor’s Words: Easy and Impactful

In Mentor’s Words: Diversity and Rewarding

Celebration and Encouragement

Here you’ll find letter templates for encouraging mentors, thank-you card templates that students can use to thank mentors, and certificates for program facilitators, parents, and students.

Saint Louis Armstrong Beach

As New Orleans evacuates in preparation for Hurricane Katrina, eleven-year-old Saint stays behind to search for his dog. He learns a lot about community when he and his neighbor weather the storm together.

Flor and Miranda Steal the Show

When Miranda’s performance threatens Flor’s family’s place at the carnival, Flor plans to stop her—until the girls learn to work together to chase their dreams.

Heroes of the Environment: True Stories of People Who Are Helping to Protect Our Planet

These are the true stories of 12 people of all ages and backgrounds who are helping to protect our planet. Their courageous problem-solving will inspire everyone to think about what they can do in their own community.

The Doughnut Fix

When Tristan and his sisters move to a tiny town, Tristan decides to tackle the challenge of making and selling the town's once-famous chocolate cream donuts—and learns a lot about life along the way.