The Community Recruiting Guide provides a range of letter templates for recruiting mentors from a variety of sources. Browse the resources below for additional tools to support your recruitment efforts.
The Mentor Success Guide equips mentors with valuable information for managing their read-alouds, and for building meaningful connections with kids. Help mentors prepare and find inspiration with the resources below.
Here you’ll find letter templates for encouraging mentors, thank-you card templates that students can use to thank mentors, and certificates for program facilitators, parents, and students.
What If You Had T. rex Teeth!? And Other Dinosaur Parts
When kids discover they’ve grown dinosaur features in the night, they discover which helpful, incredible, and amazing feats they could achieve with the help of a dinosaur part or two!
Rosa María is busy planning a big party for her granddaughter’s seventh birthday—and the mice living in her house offer her some unexpected help with her long to-do list to prepare for the fiesta.
Karl, Michael, and Addy are visited by a panda—a very big one at that. He’s got a large red umbrella, a pretty chill attitude, and a collection of stories that are perfect for thinking about life.
Sunny the pug is happy with her snacks, her toys, and her human—but her world changes when her new sister, Rosy, arrives. How will she adjust to this big change?